The H1 software has been installed in "$H1_ROOT"="$THRONG_DIR/h1" and it is supported only in the Linux platform.
It can be divided in two categories:
Package | Version | Default name |
BOS | 1.00/14 | libbos.a |
FPACK | 1.05/01 | libfpack.a & libfpacknew.a |
H1NDB | 1.02/22 | libh1ndb.a |
DATMAN | 4.04/09 | libdatman.a |
LOOK | 2.13/11 | liblook.a |
H1UNIX | 2.01/23 | - |
H1UTIL | 4.09/26 | libh1util.a |
H1QT | 2.02/05 | libh1qt.a |
The following generator packages are installed:
Package | Version | Default lib name | Default exec name |
jetset74 | 74100 | libjetset74.a | - |
ariadne408 | 40802 | libariadne408.a | - |
pdf7 | 70900 | libpdflib7.a | - |
pdf8 | 80400 | libpdflib8.a | - |
pythia57 | 57220 | libpythia57.a | - |
pythia61 | 61570 | libpythia61.a | - |
djangoh12 | 210201 | libdjangoh12.a | libdjangoh12 |
The following rows of the VERSION_TABLE are installed:
Row | H1REC9 | H1REC | H1PHAN | H1L4 | H1ECLASS | H1SIM | H1UTIL | H1TRIG | H1LOOK | Name |
4 | - | 90718 | 30800 | 50800 | 20506 | 32800 | 40926 | 10112 | 11907 | !mchera1 |
3 | - | 90717 | 30700 | 50800 | 20506 | 32800 | 40926 | 10112 | 11907 | old_oo_6.2.04 |
2 | 90605 | - | 30110 | 50611 | 20506 | 31003 | 40924 | 10112 | 11907 | !pro !hera_1 |
1 | 90530 | - | 30106 | 50607 | 20506 | 30921 | 40914 | 10106 | 11900 | !repro00 |
The oo-software is installed in "$H1_DIST"="$THRONG_DIR/h1/root".
The following invironment variables are defined:
: current default release number
: source directory of $H1CURRENT release
: binary directory of $H1CURRENT release
: library directory of $H1CURRENT release
Several releases are generally available. The following commands can be used for defining them:
oo_now :
return the present default ("$H1CURRENT") release
oo_which :
return the available releases
oo_set [number]:
set the "$H1CURRENT" release to [number]
Several packages are produced by H1-France for the development of analysis. They are collected in the CVS repository of the CC:
Each package has one or more librarians. It is mandatory to inform them before each CVS commit.
Package | Short description | Librarians |
Marana | General library to perform oo analysis based on Mods/Hat and user trees | F.Cassol Brunner, E. Sauvan
MkHisto | Example of classes for the fast histogramming of specific analysis (NC, Compton, etc...) | F.Cassol Brunner, E. Sauvan |
MarSel | Event selection package. It permits selections from Mods and from DST | F.Cassol Brunner, E. Sauvan |
MarUserTree | Package to write an user tree (for the moment, tracks data) | E. Sauvan, F.Cassol Brunner |
MkCalib | Hadronic calibration package | E. Sauvan, B. Portheault |
MkInstantons | Instantons analysis package | M. Peez |
MkECal | Electron calibration package | E. Sauvan, C. Goyon |
MkMe | Multi-electrons analysis package | E. Sauvan, C. Goyon |
MkDQ | Data quality package | E. Sauvan, F.Cassol Brunner |
MarPlot | Kumacs and classes to make nice plots | E. Sauvan, M. Peez |
MkNCCC | NC and CC analysis package | B. Portheault |
MarManager | Scripts package to steer one analysis. It permits to create the mods/hat, to run the analysis and to sum the histograms (scaled to the data lumi) | F. Cassol Brunner |
CC_Tools | Collection of scripts of general utility at the "Centre de Calcule" (CC). See the README file. | F. Cassol Brunner |
MarQCDFunc | Package (derived from H1QCDFunc and independant from other H1 packages) dedicated to the call of useful fortran (QCD) functions. It can be used for plotting as well as for event weight manipulation. MkNCC depend on this package. | B. Portheault |
MkGeneric | Generic analysis package. | E. Sauvan |